Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Revised Curriculum for Project ALERT Essay examples

Adolescent drug use in America is a cause for concern. Drug use among adolescents contributes to deaths, traffic accidents, poor judgment, unsafe sexual behavior and other risky behaviors. According to the authors (2003), â€Å"drug prevention programs in schools are a critical element of the antidrug effort, yet only 9% of school districts are using programs whose effectiveness has been demonstrated through rigorous research (p.1830).† The US department of Education set one of the guidelines of its Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act program the implementation of only evidence-based prevention activities. They also labeled 7 drug prevention programs as exemplary, 5 of the programs included a school-based curriculum for middle†¦show more content†¦A video about former teenage smokers talking about their reasons why and how they quit smoking was included in the lesson. The alcohol use lesson included games, small group activities, and question-and-answer tec hniques specifically designed to help adolescents understand their own perceived susceptibility to the negative consequences associated with alcohol misuse and develop other choices to drinking. Parent and student activities included adolescent interviews with parents about their experiences with peer pressure, parent/child drug IQ test that measured knowledge about drugs and social influences to use them, and verbal reports about the consequences associated with drug use. Middle school students were given two questionnaires. The first questionnaire was administered in the 7th grade right before the 7th grade lessons were given (baseline measurement), and the second questionnaire was administered at the end of the 8th grade year after 8th grade lessons were given. To motivate student participation and to speak the truth, data collectors reassured students that their information would be kept anonymous and confidential. Alcohol, marijuana, and cigarettes questionnaires asked about frequent use within the past month, past year, and lifetime use. The questionnaire allowed the authors to evaluate the program effects on â€Å"ever,† â€Å"past month,† and â€Å"weekly† use. The authors used the prediction modelsShow MoreRelatedTDA 3.2 schools and organisation Essay examples3547 Words   |  15 Pagesin each country within the UK and is best on the concept of learning through play rather than more formal education Play has been show to be an important part for children learning. In Scotland the curriculum is focused around the document curriculum for excellent. 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